PNM Video Instructions

Please read these instructions all the way through before you submit a video. You will find specific information about:
1. Prompt
2. Video Guidelines
3. Video Instructions
4. Video Upload Instructions

Potential New Members MUST upload a video to introduce themselves to the chapters. In the video, please state your full name, hometown and hometown state. Then, respond to 2-4 of the prompts from the list below.

·       What is the best piece of advice you have received?
·     What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment thus far?
·       What values are most important to you as your enter the Panhellenic Recruitment process?
·       What are you hoping to gain from your collegiate experience at UA?
·       Tell us something about yourself that someone might be surprised to learn.
·       What is something you have always wanted to learn more about?
·       Tell us anything else you think we should know about you.

Our chapters are excited to get to know you better through this video, so do not be afraid to be yourself! The chapters want to see the real you and want to get to know your personality. We recommend that you dress in something that makes you feel comfortable and confident, maybe something similar to what you might wear to a dinner with friends, or a fun day out on the town. Videos are limited to one minute, maximum. Only submit one video. Once the video is submitted it is final. If your video does not adhere to the one-minute timeframe and additional guidelines outlined below, it will not be accepted by APA and will not be shared with chapters.

1.     Videos should be no longer than 60 seconds or one minute.
2.     No props should be used.
3.     Backgrounds should be neutral—this does not mean you have to stand in front of a blank wall, but it should not be distracting (see background instructions below).
4.    Videos should only feature the PNM.
5.     PNMs should not hire a third party to produce, film, and/or edit the video.
6.     All videos are due by 5:00pm CT on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, but we encourage you to submit them as soon as possible.


Video Instructions:
Below is a list of recommendations to help keep your video professional. The University of Alabama is committed to providing equal access to all UA students. If you have need for captioning or other disability-related accommodations please contact the Office of Accessibility at .

If you are unable to film a video yourself, please contact Alabama Panhellenic Association at for further assistance.

 1. ORIENTATION: Orient your phone horizontally, like in the picture below. This will ensure your video displays properly on a viewer’s screen no matter if it is a TV, computer or mobile device.


2. STABILIZING VIDEO: There are two good options for keeping your video stable with minimal movement:
·       Having someone else hold the phone for you so you can focus on what you are saying. This allows that person to focus on the video while you focus on your verbal delivery.
·       Using a stack of books, a bookend or any other stable item to prop your phone against so it stays steady while you record.

3. AUDIO: For the best audio, record in a quiet setting and stand/sit four feet or closer to your phone.
·       Try to keep your mouth pointed toward the phone at all times as turning away can significantly lower the volume on the recording.
·       Ideally, the HVAC system in your location is not running while recording, but sometimes this is unavoidable.
·       Turn off all radios and televisions in your home while recording. That sound will be audible in the background if they are on during the recording.

4. LIGHTING: Avoid having bright backgrounds behind you.
·       Avoid bright windows behind you as they will wash you out. Try to face the brightest part of the room. That will serve as the main light source for your video.
·       Do not rely solely on overhead lighting. This will create dark shadows under your eyes. Try to use windows or lamps in addition to overhead lighting for the best results.
·       When setting up the shot, take a moment to notice if one side of your face has more shadows than the other. Try to add lighting on the darker side of your face to even it out.

5. BACKGROUND: Pay careful attention to your background. You want to avoid several potential mistakes with your set.
·       Avoid a cluttered or messy background (clothes on the floor, junk piled up, etc.).
·       Avoid a distracting background (posters with a lot of words, televisions turned on, etc.).
·       Avoid a background that is too bright (see the lighting section).
·       The ideal background is simple. It does not have to be a blank wall, but it should be something that will not take attention away from what you are saying.

6. FRAMING: There is a basic framing rule for video shot composition called the rule of thirds. It is demonstrated in the picture below.
·       Notice the screen is divided into thirds vertically and horizontally.
·       You should frame your shot so your eyes are on the top horizontal line. This is called the eye line. Note: the lines will not be there; you will have to approximate this based on your best estimation.
·       This will help dictate headroom. There should be just a bit of space above your head and plenty of space below your chin. The picture below demonstrates the ideal framing to use when recording a video from your phone.
·       One change from the picture: You can be in the exact center of the screen instead of on one of the vertical lines.


Video Upload Instructions:
Once your video is ready to upload, following the instructions above, please follow these directions.

·       The link will look like the picture below.
·       Before you upload the file or drag and drop your file, you must save the file name to be your legal first, middle, and last name, followed by your PNM number. If the file name is not saved to your legal first, middle, and last name, followed by your PNM Number we will not know who you are (Ex.

·       You may only upload one video and that will be the final version of your video. Please do not resubmit videos. Our chapters will only see the first version of the video you upload. You will not be able to update your video once you submit the video through this form. Once your video is uploaded, you should get a message that looks like the image below:
·      You can submit your registration then upload your video at a later time before the deadline. We recommend you submit your registration, and then upload your video once it is final.
