Panhellenic Scholarships



Alabama Panhellenic Association is pleased to now offer one-time, emergency, scholarships to members. The APA Need-Based Scholarship is awarded to current University of Alabama Panhellenic women who have maintained high academic standards and demonstrated a need for short-term financial assistance.

Additional Guidelines for Consideration:
The applicant must be an active Panhellenic sorority woman in good standing with her organization, have made significant contributions to the Greek community, and have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. Particular consideration is given to those who demonstrate a true emergency need (ex. family illness or death, natural disaster, etc.), as well as additional avenues pursued for financial assistance (ie. seek out job, other scholarship opportunities, etc.). Please note that APA will not award need-based scholarships either in whole or partially for outstanding dues balances and/or chapter board (living in-house fee).

The scholarship is awarded for various amounts on a case-by-case basis. A student may only receive this award once. The scholarship committee will review standing applications once a month. Applications must be received by the last Monday in the month at 12 pm in order to be reviewed for that month. However, APA is always accepting applications, as they are reviewed monthly, EXCEPT DURING THE SUMMER.

In order to be considered, an application via the link below must be submitted, and a letter outlining the members need and status in the chapter from the chapter’s VP Finance should also be sent directly to  AND

Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis during the academic year.



The Dr. Kathleen Powers Cramer Scholarship, established 1992, is awarded to a University of Alabama Panhellenic woman who has maintained high academic standards and demonstrated outstanding leadership ability. This annual scholarship between $500 - $1000 is awarded for the Fall semester and recipients are selected the prior spring semester and are recognized at the Greek Excellence Awards Ceremony.

Requirements for Consideration:
The applicant must be an active Panhellenic sorority woman in good standing with her organization, have made significant contributions to the University of Alabama Fraternity and Sorority community, and have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.



The Dr. Judith L. Bonner Scholarship, established in October 2013, recognizes an outstanding Panhellenic woman based on GPA, rigor of course study, and extraordinary scholarly or creative endeavors. This annual $500 - $1,000 scholarship is awarded for the Fall semester and recipients are selected the prior spring semester at the Greek Excellence Awards Ceremony.

Requirements for Considerations:
The application is encouraged to have demonstrated outstanding leadership ability and/or made significant contributions to The University of Alabama and the Fraternity and Sorority Community. The student must have completed 60 credit hours of coursework (AP, dual enrollment, etc. can be included) with a minimum overall GPA of 3.5. The applicant must be an active Panhellenic sorority woman in good standing with her organization. A Student may only receive this award once.



The Sandee Kirby Witt Scholarship, established in October 2013, is awarded to a Panhellenic woman interested in enhancing her collegiate experience through studying in her academic field, volunteering for service projects, or working in an other country, city, to university. This annual $500 scholarship awarded for summer term will provide a woman with the opportunity to broaden and deepen her perspectives, develop leadership, and become a global citizen through exposure to new regions, people and cultures.

Requirements for Consideration: 
The applicant must be an active Panhellenic sorority woman in good standing with her member organization and The University of Alabama. A student may not receive this award more than once.