The Recruitment Team

Judicial Board
The Recruitment Judicial Board oversees the recruitment process and ensures a fair recruitment experience for the potential new members and chapters. The Recruitment Judicial Board handles any infractions during the week of recruitment and they are available to help the Sigma Rho Chis if need be. Members of the Recruitment Judicial Board will keep track of timing during recruitment parties and will be able to assist you with any problems that you may encounter during the recruitment process.

Sigma Rho Chi
Recruitment is an exciting and memorable experience, but it can be a hectic and emotional time as well. Recruitment counselors, referred to as Sigma Rho Chis, are undergraduate women at UA who have disaffiliated from their chapters – you will be assigned a Sigma Rho Chi group at Convocation (the first step in the Recruitment Process) and will meet with her throughout the process.

Sigma Rho Chis, who have participated in recruitment themselves, have been through an extensive semester long training program in preparation for recruitment week. They have your best interest at heart and are available to help you during the week of recruitment by serving as an impartial listener and friend.